
The advent of the digital age has changed the entire business process, especially software development. The age-old routine of software development (build, test, deploy, and deploy) has now been made better with a new concept called the continuous integration/persistent deployment (CI/CD) tube. As we move into a fast-paced, technologically advanced world, we can expect the future of CI/CD to continue to be an important aspect of software development.
In short, CI/CD is a method used in software development to ensure frequent code changes, avoid human errors and ensure fast delivery to customers/end users. Continuous integration encourages collaborative development by combining developer code into a shared environment several times a day. All integrations are detected by creating automatic checks for early detection of problems. Continuous delivery is the process of making improvements through CI and releasing these updates to production.
CI/CD has become a transformative force in the world of software development, and some big changes need to be made. Here we will look at the key developments that are considered the future of CI/CD pipelines.
  1. Proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML): Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are considered the main forces of technological development. They can learn and make decisions from historical data without needing to be transparent. Integrating AI/ML into CI/CD pipelines makes pipelines more accurate and efficient by automatically identifying pain points, issues, and errors in the cycle.
  2. Change left security: Traditionally software security is usually considered at the last stage of development. The future of CI/CD lies in integrating “security” earlier into the evolution of software life, a process called the “left shift.” This allows potential security threats to be better identified and fixed at an early stage, reducing risk and making things safer.
  1. Enable the use of microservices: Microservices allow specific business processes to be separated into separate services connected to APIs. Instead of using the entire system with new features or changes, we can only create and deploy the services we need. This approach will speed up the CI/CD process and be more efficient in the future.
  2. Containerization and serverless architecture: Containerization makes applications more versatile by packaging them with convenient packages and running them equally across platforms. This, combined with serverless architecture, allows full control over the backend infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on building their products. These strategies are expected to strengthen the CI/CD pipeline in the future.
  3. Integration of DevOps with Agile and Lean practices: As companies look to deliver quality software quickly, the integration of these processes will lead to more competitive, faster and more efficient work. Rapidly integrating agility and leanness with the collaboration and integration of DevOps creates an environment that supports innovation and rapid delivery.


The future of CI/CD pipelines is full of possibilities. The future of CI/CD pipelines looks promising as advances in technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning combine with new processes and applications. In today’s IT business, companies that can keep up with the times and keep up with these changes will be successful.
CI/CD pipelines enable fast and efficient software delivery while minimizing errors necessary to survive in an increasingly digital world. For businesses around the world, there is only one way forward, and that is through the CI/CD pipeline.